
This page covers various Metalo CLI commands related to sub-account management.

Use sub-account command to access various options for sub-account management.

   metalo sub-account command [command options] [arguments...]

   new      create new sub-account
   ls       list sub-accounts
   get      get sub-account
   rm       remove a sub-account
   key      options for sub-account access key management
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Create New Sub-Account

Use the new command to create a new sub-account for the provided account.


--new-key         create new access key (default: false)
--name value      Account name
--help, -h        show help (default: false)


# create new sub-account
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account new

# create new sub-account with an access key
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account new --new-key

Sample Output

  "account": {
    "id": "did:piprate:3VNbmDEE9ojZBuc9LSrMfN",
    "type": "Account",
    "version": 4,
    "email": "",
    "encryptedPassword": "",
    "master": "did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ",
    "parent": "did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ",
    "state": "active",
    "registeredAt": "2022-11-24T12:18:47.245239Z",
    "name": "Sub-Account #4259541671",
    "level": 3,
    "defaultVault": "local",
    "managedSecretStore": {
      "level": 2,
      "encryptedPayload": "BGZFj4OP...EH5q7ok7i3Y5LNG"
    "hostedSecretStore": {
      "level": 3,
      "encryptedPayload": "to0McDlW...A1+qGJaLyGxj5El"
    "derivationIndex": 4259541671

With an access key:

  "account": {
    "id": "did:piprate:8BCf5GFxCxffResXfKnHa1",
    "type": "Account",
    "version": 4,
    "email": "",
    "encryptedPassword": "",
    "master": "did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ",
    "parent": "did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ",
    "state": "active",
    "registeredAt": "2022-11-24T12:22:46.169695Z",
    "name": "Sub-Account #2783152775",
    "level": 3,
    "defaultVault": "local",
    "managedSecretStore": {
      "level": 2,
      "encryptedPayload": "hyKj+AvZasAfoLq8Y65tKIky9eAuBvPe8HCsbp5i/43NYwqAq8Pk8n8pftQVRTRjPOiTCNBnHuZXHJLUd3nnkQx+zEoCXf6dXUbeQu2PSJBPcIiEh+igEbZlkg1cCHCRpTsxmvUmm1LuVmrFNEuMGNys9VSKp45HBYjWul/MaKBoHWiSsYeGwNa7LCUwr0NKGCaoljk8383ZCeBb5nhdE5W31lQdAFKBMehRmTvJiLs8CIBlvOj/dr9G2HeDW/xVuBMvUKUXH/hXvTsInr4Swih4ujc2RqQbwl5VRxc1gGx/4mumVUkyuvQE6d58rsjGXNblbGdM9Mtb/EJ4JsiiRp44shb3LX+xAV5YrdBVAgFy/3gmjx3rhg8C"
    "hostedSecretStore": {
      "level": 3,
      "encryptedPayload": "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"
    "derivationIndex": 2783152775
  "key": {
    "id": "F3yX8cq12zxvRcoLrSb6FA",
    "secret": "gdv323TbZ4F9juRapErawRYrBak0fOHxNsg05+LiO1VcFiersTTOydE1rGbSg1scq753ADZB4VOfUsgx9ZNGYw==.atztCvZjdKxFh/QjKxRtFLHoj9a3cW2uDKsUspLEZGGyIh8x6pgX3D9M0cAIx9HSSCncczs8tLfqGi3qAY3vuQ=="

List Sub-Accounts

Use the ls command to list all available sub-accounts for the given account.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account ls

Sample Output

|           SUB-ACCOUNT ID           |          NAME           |       REGISTERED AT       |
| did:piprate:3VNbmDEE9ojZBuc9LSrMfN | Sub-Account #4259541671 | 2022-11-24 12:18:47+00:00 |

Get Sub-Account

Use the get command to get sub-account definition with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account get <sub-account-id>

This command with return JSON in Account format.

Delete Sub-Account


Use the rm command to delete the sub-account with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account rm <sub-account-id>

Manage Sub-Account Keys

Use sub-account command to access various options for sub-account management.

   metalo sub-account key command [command options] [arguments...]

   new      generate new access key
   ls       list access keys
   get      get access key
   rm       delete access key
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Create New Access Key

Use the new command to generate a new access key.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account key new <sub-account-id>

Sample Output

  "id": "PZFzEgkJDzMfVeRL51pEEZ",
  "secret": "wqQGMdKxJ54De...1evB/mTYQ4Lg=="

List Access Keys

Use the ls command to list all available access keys for the given account.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account key ls <sub-account-id>

Sample Output

|           ID           |
| F3yX8cq12zxvRcoLrSb6FA |

Get Access Key

Use the get command to the read access key definition with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account key get <sub-account-id> <access-key-id>

The command returns Access Key JSON.

Delete Access Key

Use the rm command to delete the access key with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> sub-account key rm <sub-account-id> <access-key-id>