
This page covers various Metalo CLI commands related to account property management.

Use prop command to perform various property management operations.

   metalo prop command [command options] [arguments...]

   ls       list properties
   get      get property
   set      set property key and value
   rm       delete property
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Set Property

Use the set command to create or update an account property.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> prop set <prop-id> <prop-value>

List Properties

Use the ls command to list all properties of the given account.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> prop ls

Sample Output

|       KEY       |               VALUE                |
| default_persona | did:piprate:FJvRG7JmiLmd7m1ddEQ6A3 |

Get Property

Use the get command to read the property value.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> prop get <prop-id>

Delete Property

Use the rm command to delete the property with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> prop rm <prop-id>