
Use locker command to perform various locker management operations.

   metalo locker command [command options] [arguments...]

   new      create new locker definition
   import   import locker from file
   ls       list all account lockers
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Create New Locker

Use the new command to generate a new locker.


--us value            Our DID
--them value          Their DID
--our-verkey value    Our VerKey
--their-verkey value  Their VerKey
--name value          Locker name
--ttl value           Number of months until the locker expires (default: 12)
--add                 If present, add the generated locker to the user's account (default: false)
--help, -h            show help (default: false)


# create new locker
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> locker new \
  --us <our-did> --them <their-did> \
  --our-verkey <our-verkey> --their-verkey <their-verkey> \
  --name "Sample Locker" --ttl 120

# create new locker and save it in the account
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> locker new \
  --us <our-did> --them <their-did> \
  --our-verkey <our-verkey> --their-verkey <their-verkey> \
  --name "Sample Locker" --ttl 120 --add

If successful, new command returns a new locker definition in JSON format.

Import Locker From File

Use the import command to import an existing locker definition from file.


--file value  Identity file


METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> locker import --file <path-to-file>

List Lockers

Use the ls command to list all lockers in the given account.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> locker ls

Sample Output

|                      ID                      |        NAME         |             IDENTITY1              | IDENTITY2 |          CREATED          |          EXPIRES          |
| 9MDSvpG83ZBucQgw7kWhQxEnAze6ZZJ1F171uxn8sW13 | John Doe            | did:piprate:QSzWti3D4qQgXXXoKz2JmY | Self      | 2022-11-21 01:12:42+00:00 | 2032-11-21 01:12:42+00:00 |
| BKUSCuQ9sGPtMhT3Wbov6eoheMaZh37pzDdxw9uxrZL7 | Root Managed Locker | did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ | Self      | 2022-11-21 01:12:42+00:00 |                           |
| G9Ac88w7zRaLzybnjLRztsQcXxfvCfJAcTzq2ueR26rz | Root Hosted Locker  | did:piprate:3f4enT91RVexWMVnneoWaJ | Self      | 2022-11-21 01:12:42+00:00 |                           |