
Use dataset command to perform various dataset management operations.

   metalo dataset command [command options] [arguments...]

   upload                upload dataset into MetaLocker
   bulk-upload           upload all datasets in the given folder into MetaLocker
   supported-data-types  list supported data types
   share                 share data set
   get                   get data set from MetaLocker
   revoke                revoke data set's lease
   help, h               Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Upload Dataset

Use the upload command to upload a dataset into MetaLocker.


--vault value          Vault Name (default: local) (default: "local")
--locker value         Locker ID. If not specified, the default one will be used
--prov value           Provenance definition (JSON). If not specified, it will be auto-generated
--prov-mapping value   Entity mapping for provenance template. Optional. Format: ent->value;ent-->value;...
--parent value         Parent ledger record ID
--type value           Defines semantic type of the provided data
--expiration value     Lease duration (i.e. 10y, 1y6m, 12d, 1h30min, 30s, never) (default: "1y")
--wait                 If specified, wait until the data is published on the ledger (default: false)


# upload a dataset
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset upload --locker <locker-id> <path-to-folder-or-file>
# upload a dataset and wait until the lease record is available on the ledger
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset upload --locker <locker-id> --wait <path-to-folder-or-file>


If successful, upload command returns a comma-separated string in the format:




Bulk Upload Dataset

Use the bulk-upload command to upload all datasets in the given folder into MetaLocker.


--vault value         Vault Name (default: local) (default: "local")
--locker value        Locker ID. If not specified, the default one will be used
--prov value          Provenance definition (JSON). If not specified, it will be auto-generated
--type value          Defines semantic type of the provided data
--expiration value    Lease duration (i.e. 10y, 1y6m, 12d, 1h30min, 30s, never) (default: "1y")
--wait                If specified, wait until the data is published on the ledger (default: false)


# upload datasets
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset bulk-upload --locker <locker-id> <path-to-folder>
# upload datasets and wait until lease records are available on the ledger
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset bulk-upload --locker <locker-id> --wait <path-to-folder>


If successful, bulk-upload command returns a comma-separated list in the format:




Get Dataset

Use the get command to explore or download a dataset from MetaLocker.


--dest value  path to destination folder/file. Not required for graph data sets (will be printed out on the console)
--metadata    save metadata artifacts into the folder (default: false)
--sync        sync data wallet before reading the data set (default: false)


# print the dataset's meta resource
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset get <record-id>
# print the dataset's lease
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset get --metadata <record-id>
# save the dataset, including its lease, to a folder
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset get --metadata --dest <path-to-folder> <record-id>

Share Dataset

Use the share command to share a dataset with another participant of one of your lockers.


metalo dataset share [options] <record-id>


--vault value       Vault Name (default: local) (default: "local")
--locker value      Locker ID. If not specified, the default one will be used
--expiration value  Lease duration (i.e. 10y, 1y6m, 12d, 1h30min, 30s, never) (default: "1y")
--wait              If specified, wait until the data is published on the ledger (default: false)


# share a dataset
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset share --locker <locker-id> <record-id>
# share a dataset and wait until the lease record is available on the ledger
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset share --locker <locker-id> --wait <record-id>


If successful, share command returns the share record’s ID:

Revoke Dataset’s Lease

Use the revoke command to revoke dataset’s lease.


--wait      If specified, wait until the data is published on the ledger (default: false)


# print the dataset's meta resource
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset revoke <record-id>
# print the dataset's lease
METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> dataset revoke --wait <record-id>

List Supported Data Types

Use the supported-data-types command to get a list of data types supported by the upload command.


metalo dataset supported-data-types

Sample Output
