Access Keys

Access keys enable programmatic access to MetaLocker without revealing accounts credentials

Use access-key command to perform various access key management operations.

   metalo access-key command [command options] [arguments...]

   new      generate new access key
   ls       list access keys
   get      get access key
   rm       delete access key
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Create New Access Key

Use the new command to generate a new access key.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> access-key new

Sample Output

  "id": "PZFzEgkJDzMfVeRL51pEEZ",
  "secret": "wqQGMdKxJ54De...1evB/mTYQ4Lg=="

List Access Keys

Use the ls command to list all available access keys for the given account.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> access-key ls

Sample Output

|           ID           |
| PZFzEgkJDzMfVeRL51pEEZ |

Get Access Key

Use the get command to the read access key definition with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> access-key get <access-key-id>

The command returns Access Key JSON.

Delete Access Key

Use the rm command to delete the access key with the given ID.

METAPASS=<password> metalo --user <email> access-key rm <access-key-id>